Background: While BK polyoma virus nephropathy (PVN) is a well-recognized cause of renal allograft dysfunction, PVN of native kidneys is likely under-recognized.
Methods: We present the pathologic features, risk factors and outcomes of eight cases of PVN in native kidneys.
Results: The cohort included eight males aged 16-73 years (mean 47.4) with an immunocompromised state (mean duration 3.15 years) attributable to: hematologic malignancies (n = 6), for which three had undergone bone marrow transplant; lung transplant (n = 1) and combined tuberculosis and diabetes (n = 1). Seven patients were receiving specific immunosuppressive therapies. Patients were biopsied for acute kidney injury (AKI) with rise in mean creatinine levels from baseline 1.6 to 2.8 mg/dL. Pathology showed BK PVN with characteristic intranuclear inclusions staining positive for SV40 T antigen and negative for JC virus (JCV), with positive serum and/or urine PCR for BK virus. One patient had focal medullary JCV co-infection. Two patients also had renal infiltration by chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Six patients received specific therapy directed to PVN (cidofovir or leflunomide). Follow-up ranged from 2 to 20 (mean 10) months. Despite marked decrease in serum BK viral copy numbers, creatinine continued to rise in six cases (mean 3.7 mg/dL in four, requiring dialysis in two) and three patients died of malignancy, opportunistic infection or renal failure. Advanced histologic stage of PVN, ineffective antiviral therapy, co-morbidities and persistent immunocompromised state likely contributed to the poor outcomes.
Conclusion: A high level of suspicion in immunocompromised patients is needed to diagnose PVN in an early stage that may respond more favorably to antiviral therapy.