Multiple studies of patients in Western countries with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) have indicated increased risk for active tuberculosis (TB) and other infections among these individuals. It has also been consistently reported that patients receiving tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors for these conditions have higher rates of active TB and other infections than RA or AS patients not receiving these medications. These issues have been studied less extensively in the Asia and Africa-Middle East regions, and information from these regions is important because of higher rates of TB in the general population. This paper reviews studies of RA and AS patients from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East who received TNF inhibitors. A literature search was conducted using to collect and report these data. The years included in the PubMed literature search ranged from January 2000 to October 2011. Additionally, information from the China Hospital Knowledge Database was used to report data from Chinese patients with RA and AS treated with TNF inhibitors. Results from these studies indicate that the risk for active TB and other infections in AS and RA patients from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are increased in patients receiving TNF inhibitors and that the risk is higher among those treated with monoclonal antibodies versus soluble TNF receptor.