Embedding defect sites into hexagonal nondiffracting wave fields

Opt Lett. 2012 Dec 1;37(23):5009-11. doi: 10.1364/OL.37.005009.


We present a highly purposive technique to optically induce periodic photonic lattices enriched with a negative defect site by using a properly designed nondiffracting (ND) beam. As the interference of two or more ND beams with adequate mutual spatial frequency relations in turn reproduces an ND beam, we adeptly superpose a hexagonal and a Bessel beam to create the ND defect beam of demand. The presented wavelength-independent technique is of utmost universality in terms of structural scalability and does not make any specific requirements to the photosensitive medium. In addition, the technique is easily transferable to all pattern-forming holographic methods in general and its application is highly appropriate, e.g., in the fields of particle as well as atom trapping.