Background and objectives: A previous study on vaccination coverage in the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population found that disparities in coverage between AI/AN and white children existed from 2001 to 2004 but were absent in 2005. The objective of this study was to describe vaccination coverage levels for AI/AN children aged 19-35 months in the United States between 2006 and 2010, examining whether gains found for AI/AN children in 2005 have been sustained.
Methods: Data from the 2006 through 2010 National Immunization Surveys were analyzed. Groups were defined as AI/AN (alone or in combination with any other race and excluding Hispanics) and white-only non-Hispanic children. Comparisons in demographics and vaccination coverage were made.
Results: Demographic risk factors often associated with underimmunization were significantly higher for AI/AN respondents compared with white respondents in most years studied. Overall, vaccination coverage was similar between the 2 groups in most years, although coverage with 4 or more doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was lower for AI/AN children in 2008 and 2009, as was coverage with vaccine series measures the series in 2006 and 2009. When stratified by geographic regions, AI/AN children had coverage that was similar to or higher than that of white children for most vaccines in most years studied.
Conclusions: The gains in vaccination coverage found in 2005 have been maintained. The absence of disparities in coverage with most vaccines between AI/AN children and white children from 2006 through 2010 is a clear success. These types of periodic reviews are important to ensure we remain vigilant.