Background: Hypouricemia is a disorder that serum urate level is less than 2.0 mg/dl, and relatively common in the Japanese population, where the main genetic cause of hypouricemia is W258X and R90H mutations in human urate trasnsporter 1(SLC22A12). Small scale screening has relied on time-consuming traditional ways like polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Therefore, it is beneficial that we have an easy and rapid detection method for these mutations.
Methods: In this report, we established a touchdown allele-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (ASPCR) assay for detecting W258X and R90H mutations in SLC22A12, respectively.
Results: Quantifiable discrimination was successfully achieved by ∆Ct value. Furthermore, we conducted W258X and R90H screening against 120 control genome sets, whereby frequency was 2.92% for W258X, and not detected for R90H, respectively.
Conclusions: The two mutations, W258X and R90H in SLC22A12 were successfully genotyped by an easy and rapid ASPCR assay.
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