In France, emergency departments (EDs) are not yet required to implement Morbidity and Mortality Conferences (M&MCs), but it is likely that they will soon be a requirement. We conducted a national survey through e-mail to evaluate current M&MC practices in EDs in France. Of the 232 questionnaires sent out, 149 responses were analyzed (64%). In total, 73 departments claimed that they carried out M&MCs, 36 (81.1%) at a University hospital (UH) compared with 37 departments (35%) at a non-UH (P < 0.001). In 29% of departments, M&MCs are held once a month (n = 21), in 34% every 2 months, and in 37% of departments they are held at longer intervals. Specialists are invited in 80% of departments (n = 58). All departments carrying out M&MCs finish with corrective action. The frequency with which M&MCs are conducted in EDs in France is low but is increasing. Currently, M&MCs are mainly conducted at UHs; this practice should develop in general hospitals as well.