Marine cultured meagre, Argyrosomus regius Asso, in central and western Greece were affected by an outbreak of systemic granulomatous disease subsequently demonstrated to be nocardiosis. The fish were originally imported as juveniles from hatcheries in France and Italy and on-grown in Greece, the latter also providing broodstock for a small number of local Greek hatcheries for the production of second-generation juveniles. The disease in cage reared fish had been present throughout the year, particularly in the 1+ and 2+ year old fish with a low to variable morbidity and 1-4% total mortality. Multiple lesions were visible externally on the skin of affected fish, with severe ulcerations and necrosis. Internally, multifocal yellowish-white nodules, 0.1-0.5 cm in diameter, were visible on the surface of several internal organs. Histopathology revealed systemic granulomatous inflammation. Fite-Faraco staining clearly demonstrated the presence of Nocardia-like organisms which were Gram-positive, long, rod to beaded filamentous bacteria. Nocardia genus-specific 16s RNA primers NG1 and NG2 were used to generate a 600 bp fragment recovered from affected tissue, confirming the diagnosis of Nocardia spp. To our knowledge, this is the first report of nocardiosis in meagre.
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