Analysis of global components in Ganoderma using liquid chromatography system with multiple columns and detectors

J Sep Sci. 2012 Oct;35(20):2725-34. doi: 10.1002/jssc.201200441. Epub 2012 Sep 25.


In present study, a multiple columns and detectors liquid chromatography system for analysis of global components in traditional Chinese medicines was developed. The liquid chromatography system was consist of three columns, including size exclusion chromatography column, hydrophilic interaction chromatography column, and reversed phase chromatography column, and three detectors, such as diode array detector, evaporative light scattering detector, and mass spectrometry detector, based on column switching technique. The developed multiple columns and detectors liquid chromatography system was successfully applied to the analysis of global components, including macromolecular (polysaccharides), high (nucleosides and sugars)-, and low (triterpenes)-polarity small molecular compounds in Ganoderma, a well-known Chinese medicinal mushroom. As a result, one macromolecular chromatographic peak was found in two Ganoderma species, 19 components were identified in Ganoderma lucidum (two sugars, three nucleosides, and 14 triterpenes), and four components (two sugars and two nucleosides) were identified in Ganoderma sinense. The developed multiple columns and detectors liquid chromatography system was helpful to understand comprehensive chemical characters in TCMs.

Publication types

  • Evaluation Study
  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Chromatography, Liquid / instrumentation
  • Chromatography, Liquid / methods*
  • Ganoderma / chemistry*
  • Medicine, Chinese Traditional
  • Polysaccharides / analysis*
  • Triterpenes / analysis*


  • Polysaccharides
  • Triterpenes