Malaria control program is one of the oldest program in the Ministry of Health (MoH) Republic of Indonesia. Started with effort to eradicate malaria in 1959 through Malaria Eradication Command well known as KOPEM (Komando Pembasmian Malaria) then it evolves to Malaria Control Program, Roll Back Malaria Program, and the current Malaria Elimination Program. In terms of diagnostic and treatment, the policy has formulated by strictly follow evidence-based principles as well as technical guided from World Health Organization (WHO). In 2004, based on numerous researches conducted in Indonesia the use of chloroquine was stopped and artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) was then initiated. For severe cases the use of intravenous (iv) Artesunate for cases treated in hospitals and intramuscular (im) Arthemeter for cases treated in the primary care setting were also introduced. ACT, Artesunate iv, and Artemether im, all are provided nationwide through the procurement system. For radical treatment, the recommendation in Indonesia is to add primaquine (PQ) to ACT for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale infections to prevent relapses and for Plasmodium Falciparum infection to kill the gametocytes. These recommendations put hope to reduce malaria mortality to zero and eventually with other interventions will eliminate malaria from the country by 2030. The dissemination of this information is important for the policy to apply in practice across the country.