Aims: To seek the views of consultants appointed less than 2 years ago on the appropriateness of their training in fitting them to carry out their present posts, the FRCR examination, experience of research and the prevalence and value of out of programme experience and acting up as a consultant.
Materials and methods: All the consultants identified from the Royal College of Radiologists' database as having been appointed to a consultant post in the last 2 years were emailed inviting them to take part in a web-based survey.
Results: The response rate was 60% (32 of 53 consultants). Ninety-four per cent agreed or strongly agreed that training had equipped them for clinical work as a consultant, but only 44% agreed or strongly agreed that training had equipped them to fulfil the management roles. Free text answers stressed the importance of management skills, getting involved with trial set-up and producing publications early in their career. Ninety-four per cent agreed or strongly agreed that they had adequate opportunity to develop skills in systemic therapy and radiotherapy planning, but only 56% thought this was the case for intensity-modulated radiotherapy and image-guided radiotherapy. Although 87% agreed or strongly agreed they had sufficient opportunity to develop teaching skills, this was only the case in 62% with regard to research skills. They published a median number of three papers in peer-reviewed journals. Twenty-five per cent of respondents studied for research degrees; 69% of consultants had undertaken out of programme experience and 50% had acted up as a consultant and these were generally found to be valuable experiences. There was strong support for the FRCR examination.
Conclusions: Consultants appointed in the last 2 years are generally satisfied with their training. Training in intensity-modulated radiotherapy and image-guided radiotherapy should be improved and the advanced specialist training requires reviewing to better fit consultants for subspecialisation, management and research.
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