Patients with Hodgkin's Disease (HD) occasionally develop monomorphic lymphomas in which mononuclear cells, usually large in size, grow in sheets, and in which there are few reacting cells or classic Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells. Twelve patients of this type were reviewed to determine the nature of the monomorphic growth. Paraffin-embedded tissue sections from the original diagnostic HD and the monomorphic growths were stained for Leu-M1 (CD15), leukocyte common antigen (LCA, CD45), pan B-cell markers LN1, LN2, and L26, and pan T-cell marker UCHL1 (CD45R) reactive in paraffin-embedded tissues. Cases were included only if the original diagnostic material had the classic histopathologic features of HD, if there was a separate monomorphic growth (in place or time), and if sufficient materials from both phases were available for study. Original diagnoses of HD included nodular sclerosing (NS; 8 cases); lymphocyte predominant (LP; 2 cases); mixed cellularity (MC; 1 case); and lymphocyte depleted (LD: 1 case) types. RS cells in the eight cases of NS HD and one case of MC HD were generally Leu-M1 and LN2 positive, and L26, LN1, UCHL1, and LCA negative. RS cells in one case of NS HD were LCA positive in addition to Leu-M1, LN1, and LN2. Two cases of NS HD showed L26 positive RS cells. Conversely, RS cells and lymphocytic-histiocytic (L and H) variants in the cases of LP HD were Leu-M1 and LN2 negative, and LCA and LN1 positive. The one case of LD HD possessed RS cells that were negative for Leu-M1, but positive for LCA, L26, LN1, and LN2. In seven cases (4 NS, 2 LP, 1 LD) the monomorphic growths possessed a B-cell phenotype (LCA, L26, and LN1 positive; Leu-M1 and UCHL1 negative). In the remaining cases (4 NS, 1 MC), the monomorphic growths were Leu-M1 positive, and displayed phenotypes similar to the RS cells of the original NS HD. Southern blot analysis was performed on the monomorphic components of five cases and showed some form of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in each (4 cases: rearranged heavy chain-joining region gene; 1 case: rearranged Mu chain-constant region gene). Two of these cases expressed L26 and LN1 in the monomorphic phases. Despite apparent immunoglobulin gene rearrangement, one case expressed T-cell antigens Leu-4 (CD3) and Leu-1 (CD5), in addition to Leu-M1 (CD15).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)