Background: Recognizing an aneurysmal basal rupture using angiographic evaluation is crucial for optimal treatment.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of a small basal outpouching (the most common angiographic configuration suggesting a basal rupture), the incidence of a ruptured basal outpouching, and the results of surgical and endovascular treatments.
Methods: The occurrence of small basal outpouchings was determined in the initial angiographic examinations of 471 patients with a ruptured aneurysm. Information was also obtained from patient charts, surgical and interventional reports, operative video records, and reviews of radiological investigations.
Results: A small basal outpouching was identified in 41 (8.7%) of the 471 ruptured aneurysms. In the surgical series (n = 286), a basal rupture was identified in 8 (30.8%) of the 26 cases of a basal outpouching and successfully treated by aneurysm clip placement. In the endovascular series (n = 185), intraprocedural aneurysm rebleeding developed in 5 of the 15 patients (33.3%) with a basal outpouching, which was most commonly observed with anterior communicating artery aneurysms.
Conclusion: The current surgical series included a 9% incidence of ruptured intracranial aneurysms with a small basal outpouching, and a 31% incidence of these basal outpouchings being identified as the rupture point. The results also suggested that endovascular coiling of a basal outpouching carries a high risk of intraprocedural aneurysm rebleeding, whereas surgical clipping is safer and provides more protection against rebleeding of aneurysms with a basal rupture.