Aim: To investigate the psychiatric and cognitive phenotype in young individuals with the childhood form of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1).
Method: Twenty-eight individuals (15 females, 13 males) with childhood DM1 (mean age 17y, SD 4.6, range 7-24y) were assessed using standardized instruments and cognitive testing of general intelligence, visual attention, and visual-spatial construction abilities.
Results: Nineteen patients had repeated a school grade. The mean (SD) Full-scale IQ was 73.6 (17.5) and mean Verbal IQ was significantly higher than the mean Performance IQ: 80.2 (19.22) versus 72.95 (15.58), p=0.01. Fifteen patients had one or more diagnoses on the DSM-IV axis 1, including internalizing disorders (phobia, n=7; mood disorder, n=6; other anxiety disorders, n=5) and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, inattentive subtype (n=8). Twelve out of 22 patients had alexithymia (inability to express feelings with words and to recognize and share emotional states). Cognitive testing found severe impairments in visual attention and visual-spatial construction abilities in four out of 18, and 14 out of 24 patients respectively. No diagnosis was correlated with the transmitting parent's sex or with cytosine-thymine-guanine (CTG) repeat numbers. Patients with severe visual-spatial construction disabilities had a significantly longer CTG expansion size than those with normal visual-spatial abilities (p=0.04).
Interpretation: Children and adolescents with childhood DM1 have frequent diagnoses on DSM-IV axis 1, with internalizing disorders being the most common type of disorder. They also have borderline low intelligence and frequent impairments in attention and visual-spatial construction abilities.
© The Authors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology © 2012 Mac Keith Press.