Calcium phosphate-based materials should show excellent bone-bonding and cell-mediated resorption characteristics at the same time, in order to be employed for bone replacement. In this perspective, pure (HAp) and silicon-substituted hydroxyapatite (Si-HAp, 1.4% wt) porous cylinders were prepared starting from synthesized powders and polyethylene spheres used as porogens, and investigated as supports for osteoblast and osteoclast progenitor differentiation. A systematic and detailed biological characterization is reported, in terms of cell adhesion, viability, proliferation, differentiation and bioresorption, aimed at proposing a complete and reliable picture of bone cell in vitro behavior, comprehensive of both the osteogenesis and the bone resorption processes. In order to achieve this purpose, cytocompatibility, differentiation and gene expression by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) were carried out using parietal bone-derived pre-osteoblasts obtained from neonatal mice and the bioresorption capability was assessed by seeding human peripheral blood monocytes, as osteoclast precursors. It resulted that both pure and Si-substituted HAps were able to promote differentiation of precursor cells in mature osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In particular, the Si-HAps enhanced the pre-osteoblast proliferation and showed higher osteoclast-mediated bioresorption capability, as supported by the presence of larger and more numerous resorption lacunae, whereas HAps promoted a more robust cell differentiation in terms of both osteocalcin gene expression by qRT-PCR and cell morphological evaluation by SEM analysis.