A 58-year-old woman visited our hospital with the chief complaint of an abnormal chest shadow. Chest CT showed an 18-mm ground-glass opacity in the right upper lobe, which became enlarged over time, and lung cancer was suspected. At the same time, a tracheal bronchus originating directly from the trachea was observed. She underwent thoracoscopic right upper lobectomy and mediastinal lymph node dissection. During surgery, in addition to the tracheal bronchus, a pulmonary vein variation was seen running dorsal to the pulmonary artery. Her postoperative course was uneventful. Tracheal bronchus is a rare anomaly, with an incidence of 0.1%-5%. Since tracheal bronchus is often accompanied by pulmonary vessel variations and may be associated with repeated previous infections, care should be taken when performing thoracoscopic lung resection.
© 2012 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Asia Endosurgery Task Force and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.