Left ventricular thrombosis (LVT) is a frequent complication after acute anterior myocardial infarction (AMI). The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether streptokinase (SK) therapy prevents LVT, and whether this effect is due to the preservation of left ventricular function or to the fibrinolytic action of the drug. Sixty-five patients who underwent a left ventricular angiography within 2 months after a first AMI were studied. Twenty-eight patients (SK group) received SK 1,500,000 U i.v. administered over 60 min within 6 h from the onset of symptoms. A lower incidence of LVT was found in the SK group (p = 0.0003). We divided patients into two classes according to the value of akinetic-dyskinetic area (AD): the first group with a lower value of AD, the second group with a higher value of AD. In both groups, a reduced incidence of LVT was associated with SK therapy (p = 0.014, p = 0.015, respectively). Early infusion of SK during AMI seems to prevent the development of LVT, with an effect partly independent from its action on infarct size for small to large myocardial infarction.