An increased frequency of renal carcinoma in men with melanoma has been reported in population based-studies. We report the clinicopathological findings of five cases of synchronous renal cell carcinoma (RCC), identified after routine radiological staging for cutaneous malignant melanoma (MM) between October 2006 and October 2008. The five patients (three men and two women, with a mean age of 62.4 years), presented with six melanomas of varying subtypes. The mean Breslow thickness was 1.87 mm. There was no family history of cancer in any of the cases. Routine radiological staging identified a mass arising from the left kidney in three cases and the right kidney in two cases. All patients underwent radical nephrectomy, and histology in each case confirmed RCC of the clear-cell subtype. Mean follow-up was 3 years. Although the simultaneous occurrence of RCC and MM may be coincidental, there are several plausible aetiological links. Further analysis of the synchronous occurrence of MM and renal cancer may provide therapeutic insights into these two important tumours.
© The Author(s). CED © 2012 British Association of Dermatologists.