We treated a 30-year-old man for whom Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) had been prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, and who had taken 4 g orally to end his life. Symptoms of severe intoxication due to (hydroxy)chloroquine are rapid onset of hypoventilation, cardiovascular collapse with bradycardia, peripheral vasodilation, arrhythmias and convulsions. The lethal dose of chloroquine has been estimated at 3-5 g in adults and at 0.75-I g in young children. Acute intoxication should be treated with aspiration of gastric contents, artificial ventilation in case of hypoventilation and intravenous or intratracheal dopamine, noradrenaline or adrenaline in case of cardiovascular depression and peripheral vasodilation. Arrhythmias and convulsions should be treated symptomatically. The patient in our case survived the intoxication and is now under psychiatric treatment.