Background: Insufficient weight loss after gastric band placement is generally linked to band-related complications or a persistently unhealthy diet.
Case description: A 47-year-old woman with a history of gastric band placement presented with complaints of decreased mobility, dyspnoea, gastro-oesophageal reflux and a progressive increase in abdominal girth. Initially, these symptoms were attributed to an unhealthy diet. However, additional testing showed a large intra-abdominal multicystic lesion originating from the ovaries. The patient was operated and two large serous cystadenomas were removed, after which the symptoms disappeared almost immediately.
Conclusion: Abdominal complaints after bariatric surgery can often be explained by surgical complications or unhealthy eating habits. Although the cause of certain complaints is sometimes obvious, alternative diagnoses need to be considered. If the abdominal girth in middle-aged women increases, ovarian disorders must always be considered in the differential diagnosis and appropriate additional diagnostic testing need to be carried out.