Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic protozoal disease that has a major significance from the perspectives of public health and veterinary medicine. Therefore, an obvious long-term goal of many scientists would be the development of an effective vaccine. In this study, autoclaved vaccine was evaluated for its ability to protect mice against Toxoplasma gondii RH challenge as an acute infection model. Results showed that autoclaved Toxoplasma vaccine (ATV) when combined with BCG as an adjuvant was effective in triggering cell mediated immunity as shown by a significant increase in the percentage of splenic CD8+ T-lymphocytes. Following challenge, death of mice vaccinated with ATV was delayed for nine days. There was a significant decrease in parasite density in different organs, and a marked reduction of pathological changes in the liver suggesting that significant immune responses were mounted following vaccination. Future studies are warranted to test the vaccine against challenge with brain cysts as a chronic infection model and to evaluate it with other recent immunization strategies that can further enhance its immunogenicity.
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