Treponema denticola has been associated with gingivitis and chronic periodontitis. The aim of this study was to identify Treponema denticola in subgingival samples using PCR technology and to correlate it with clinical diagnosis of subjects. The study was carried out on seventy patients (20-84 years of age; mean age, 45.06 +/- 12.58) of which 22 individuals with no detectable gingivitis or periodontitis, 4 subjects with chronic gingivitis and 44 subjects with chronic periodontitis. Subgingival plaque samples were collected from five sites in each patient. DNA was extracted from the samples using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN). Treponema denticola and other four periodontopathogens were found using multiplex polymerase chain reaction followed by a reverse hybridization. The relationship between clinical diagnoses and detection of Treponema denticola was determined with Fisher exact test. The results showed significant differences between diagnostic groups regarding subject proportion. Treponema denticola was detected in 2 out of 22 subjects with no detectable gingivitis or periodontitis, 2 out of 4 subjects with chronic gingivitis, and 40 out of 44 subjects with chronic periodontitis. Our findings suggest that Treponema denticola is closely connected to the initiation and progression of periodontal disease.