We present here an extended protein-RNA docking benchmark composed of 71 test cases in which the coordinates of the interacting protein and RNA molecules are available from experimental structures, plus an additional set of 35 cases in which at least one of the interacting subunits is modeled by homology. All cases in the experimental set have available unbound protein structure, and include five cases with available unbound RNA structure, four cases with a pseudo-unbound RNA structure, and 62 cases with the bound RNA form. The additional set of modeling cases comprises five unbound-model, eight model-unbound, 19 model-bound, and three model-model protein-RNA cases. The benchmark covers all major functional categories and contains cases with different degrees of difficulty for docking, as far as protein and RNA flexibility is concerned. The main objective of this benchmark is to foster the development of protein-RNA docking algorithms and to contribute to the better understanding and prediction of protein-RNA interactions. The benchmark is freely available at http://life.bsc.es/pid/protein-rna-benchmark.
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