Cheiro-pedal syndrome (CPS) is an incomplete pure sensory disorder confined strictly to simultaneous hand/finger and ipsilateral foot/toe symptoms. However, its clinical significance and pathogenesis are unclear. We present nine patients with typical CPS, and review another seven previously reported patients. Ischemic stroke is the leading cause of CPS in these 16 patients. In 13 patients, the lesions responsible were distributed widely in the brain from the corona radiata to the medulla oblongata whereas in three patients the lesions were found in the cervical spinal cord or peripheral nerves. All patients had a favorable outcome. The close proximity of the cheiral and pedal sensory fibers in the pons, thalamus, internal capsule and the caudal thalamocortical projection increases the vulnerability for CPS. Therefore, the underlying cause of CPS should be investigated rapidly despite it causing only minor symptoms. The pathogenesis of CPS may consist of several interacting factors including preconditioned neuronal damage and proximity of the acral sensory fibers.
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