The restoration of patients' mean arterial pressure after ineffective fluid resuscitation is obtained by vasopressive treatment such as norepinephrine. However, no guidelines exist concerning a norepinephrine infusion method: whether it be the norepinephrine concentration in the syringe, single or double pump administration via a carrier such as an isotonic saline solution, or use of minimized dead-volume extension sets. We present the case of a female patient requiring norepinephrine treatment, who quickly suffers a major haemodynamic incident (a sudden rise in systolic blood pressure above 220 mmHg associated with tachycardia up to 189 b/min). The main causes of this incident are discussed and infusion parameters considered with a view to developing an optimal infusion method for a drug with a specific therapeutic index.
Copyright © 2012 Société française d’anesthésie et de réanimation (Sfar). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.