The aim of the study was to determine the extent of histopathological changes in m. longissimus lumborum of PL, PLW, Duroc, Pietrain, and Puławska pigs (N = 30 per breed) aged 210 days. Changes in fibre size (atrophy, hypertrophy - giant fibres), changes in fibre shape (angular fibres), degenerative lesions (necrosis with phagocytosis) and connective tissue hypertrophy were evaluated. The percentage of individual pathological changes in m. longissimus lumborum of the analysed pig breeds was relatively low. Significantly more normal fibres were found in the muscles of Puławska compared to Pietrain pigs. Muscle fibre atrophy was the most frequent and extensive histopathological change. The muscles of Puławska pigs had significantly fewer atrophic, giant and angular fibres, significantly less necrosis with phagocytosis, and less animals with connective tissue hypertrophy compared to the other pig breeds. On the other hand, Pietrain pigs were characterized by a greater number of animals with giant fibres and a significantly higher proportion of giant fibres compared to the other breeds. Also the diameter of giant fibres was the largest in Pietrain, intermediate in PL and PLW, and the smallest in Duroc and Pulawska pigs. Moreover, current findings indicate that giant fibres may arise from each muscle fibre type (I, IIA and IIB). It is concluded that selection of pigs for increased leanness contributes to the incidence of histopathological changes, which may decrease pork quality.