Synthesis and accumulation of elastin in many elastic tissues begins in the last third of fetal development, reaches a maximum shortly after birth, and then declines rapidly. For the aorta of the chick and the pig and the ligamentum nuchae and lung of the sheep, it has been shown that increased levels of elastin production with fetal development are correlated with increased levels of elastin mRNA in the tissue, measured both by cell-free translation and by hybridization to cDNA probes. In this study we examine the relationship between insoluble elastin accumulation and message levels for tropoelastin in aortic tissue of chickens during posthatching development and growth. Whether evaluated by cell-free translation or by dot blot hybridization, steady state levels of tropoelastin message increase to a maximum at 2 weeks after hatching, and then fall rapidly with further development and growth. This pattern correlates well with production of insoluble elastin by the aorta, determined either by direct measurements of synthesis or by rate of accumulation of insoluble elastin. The data indicate that the major site of regulation of elastin production is pretranslational throughout the entire period of development and growth of the chicken aorta.