Background and objectives: Primary care physicians initiate colorectal cencer (CRC) screening and manage health care issues that present from these procedures. Quality of colonoscopy services can be determined by a set of indicators. The purpose of this study was to identify the quality of colonoscopy services provided for patients of family physicians in the Iowa Research Network (IRENE). Quality of services was delineated by (1) presence of a colonoscopy report on the medical record, if the medical record indicated a colonoscopy had been completed, (2) cecal intubation rate, (3) adenoma detection rate, and (4) the content of the colonoscopy report.
Methods: Medical record review was conducted in 14 IRENE offices.
Results: Of 581 medical records indicating a colonoscopy had been completed, 89 (15%) did not have a colonoscopy report. The main reasons for having the colonoscopy were screening and obvious blood in the stool. Polyp detection rate for all colonoscopies was 35%, and the adenoma detction rate for screening colonoscopis for men was 31% and for women was 19%. Depth of insertion to the cecum was reached for 92%. Items least mentioned in the report were the time to complete the procedure and current medications. Only 223 (45%) reports listed the follow-up interval for next colonoscopy. Quality of colonoscopy services for this group of IRENE physicians was comparable to recommended standards of depth of insertion and adenoma detection rate. Improvements are warranted to have all colonoscopy reports and follow-up interval of next colonoscopy on a patient's medical record.