Background: Cardiotonic steroids (CTS) are implicated in pathophysiology of uremic cardiomyopathy. In the present study, we tested whether a monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the bufadienolide CTS, marinobufagenin (MBG), alleviates cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in partially nephrectomized (PNx) rats.
Methods: In PNx rats, we compared the effects of 3E9 anti-MBG mAb and of Digibind, an affinity-purified digoxin antibody, on blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis following 4 weeks after the surgery.
Results: In PNx rats, a fourfold elevation in plasma MBG levels was associated with hypertension, increased cardiac levels of carbonylated protein, cardiac hypertrophy, a reduction in cardiac expression of a nuclear transcription factor which is a negative regulator of collagen synthesis, Friend leukemia integration-1 (Fli-1), and an increase in the levels of collagen-1. A single intraperitoneal administration of 3E9 mAb to PNx rats reduced blood pressure by 59 mm Hg for 7 days and produced a significant reduction in cardiac weight and cardiac levels of oxidative stress, an increase in the expression of Fli-1, and a reduction in cardiac fibrosis. The effects of Digibind were similar to those of 3E9 mAb, but were less pronounced.
Conclusions: In experimental chronic renal failure, elevated levels of MBG contribute to hypertension and induce cardiac fibrosis via suppression of Fli-1, representing a potential target for therapy.