Geno viewer, a SAM/BAM viewer tool

Bioinformation. 2012;8(2):107-9. doi: 10.6026/97320630008107. Epub 2012 Jan 20.


The ever evolving Next Generation Sequencing technology is calling for new and innovative ways of data processing and visualization. Following a detailed survey of the current needs of researchers and service providers, the authors have developed GenoViewer: a highly user-friendly, easy-to-operate SAM/BAM viewer and aligner tool. GenoViewer enables fast and efficient NGS assembly browsing, analysis and read mapping. It is highly customized, making it suitable for a wide range of NGS related tasks. Due to its relatively simple architecture, it is easy to add specialised visualization functionalities, facilitating further customised data analysis. The software's source code is freely available; it is open for project and task-specific modifications.

Availability: The database is available for free at