Identifying multiple configurations of complex molecules on metal surfaces

Small. 2012 Mar 26;8(6):796-806, 795. doi: 10.1002/smll.201101937. Epub 2012 Feb 15.


Experimental identification of molecular configurations in diffusion processes of large complex molecules has been a demanding topic in the field of molecular construction at solid surfaces. Such identification is needed in order to control the self-assembly process and the properties and configurations of the resulting structures. This paper provides an overview of state-of-the-art techniques for identification of molecular configurations in motion. First, a brief introduction to the conventional tools is presented, for example, low-energy electron diffraction and IR/Raman spectroscopy. Second, currently used techniques, scanning probe microscopy, and its application in molecular configuration identification are reviewed. In the last part, a methodology combining time-resolved tunneling spectroscopy and density functional theory calculation is reviewed in detail; this strategy has been successfully applied to two typical molecular systems, (t-Bu)₄ -ZnPc and FePc (where Pc is phthalocyanine), with molecular rotation and laterial diffusion on the Au(111) surface.