The extent to which the dietary loads of simple sugars, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber impact colonic fermentation in children is unknown. This study assessed the impact of dietary energy on gut microbial communities and metabolism using a three-stage in vitro continuous fermentation model. Two separate models, replicating the proximal, transverse, and distal colon regions, were inoculated with immobilized fecal microbiota from one of two female children. Three different fermentation media were designed to examine the effects of prevalent Western dietary trends on gut microbiota. Media compositions reflected obese (high energy), normal weight (normal energy), and anorectic (low energy) child dietary intakes and were alternately supplied to each microbiota during separate fermentation periods. Gut microbiota demonstrated differential metabolic and compositional adaptation to varied substrate availability. High energy medium was strongly butyrogenic, resulting in significant stimulation of butyrate-producing members of clostridia cluster XIVa, whereas members of cluster IV demonstrated greater adaptive variability. Normal and low energy nutrient loads induced significantly less metabolic activity in both microbiota, with low energy medium inducing a broad reorganization of the commensal community structure. These results suggest a concerted metabolic adaptation in response to nutrient load, exercised by different microbial populations, indicating substantial redundancy in gastrointestinal metabolic pathways.
© 2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.