Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) has been fairly effective in managing portal hypertension in the setting of cirrhosis. The aim is to study the safety and efficacy of TIPS in liver transplant (LT) recipients. Fifteen patients underwent TIPS insertion following LT. Indications were refractory ascites (12), hepatic hydrothorax (2), and bleeding esophageal varices (1). Seven patients (46.6%) had complete (C) resolution of ascites, while eight (53.4%) had partial or no (PN) resolution. Portal pressure and portal-right atrial pressure gradients post-TIPS were comparable. Ammonia levels were significantly higher in the PN group. Encephalopathy occurred in two patients (PN group). Four patients required re-transplantation and seven patients expired. The five-yr survival probability was 60.0% for the C group and 66.7% for the PN group. Currently, six patients are alive without clinical evidence of ascites. Two patients are alive but require re-transplantation. TIPS is a safe and effective method to control refractory ascites after LT. Portal pressure changes did not seem to correlate with resolution of ascites. Earlier allograft dysfunction is more likely with PN resolution of ascites after TIPS, and thus early re-transplantation should be considered. Re-transplantation in the context of organ dysfunction and graft failure should be a priority when considering TIPS.
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.