[Assessment of competence in pediatric postgraduate education: implementation of a pediatric version of the Mini-Cex]

Arch Argent Pediatr. 2011 Dec;109(6):492-8. doi: 10.5546/aap.2011.492.
[Article in Spanish]


Aims: Faced with the increased challenge of assessing competences in young doctors, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of a pediatric version of the Mini-Cex in pediatric trainees as well as the level of satisfaction of teachers and students with the new assessment tool.

Methods and results: From July 2007 to August 2009, 54 pediatric trainees were periodically monitored in a variety of clinical settings by 50 teachers. The competences evaluated included medical interviewing, physical examination and counseling skills, humanistic qualities/ professionalism, clinical judgment, organization and overall clinical competence. The feasibility of this study was defined as an average 4 observations per participant, and observations in all clinical rotations. During the study, 388 observations were carried over 54 students (average of 7.18 observations per student); 57% took place in ambulatory settings, 60% were of low complexity and 85% involved healthy children programmed consultations. The ratings for specific competences had little variation; the focus related to the setting.

Conclusions: Used in a variety of settings, with different patient problems, the method was well accepted by both students and teachers.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Clinical Competence*
  • Education, Medical, Graduate*
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Pediatrics / education*
  • Pediatrics / standards*