Despite the economical importance of shiitake (Lentinula ssp.) mushrooms, until the present date little information exists on cultivated and wild species in correlation with geographic origin applying molecular techniques. Use of a high resolution molecular tool like AFLP for assessing genetic similarity and geographical diversity would be an important step towards understanding of different Lentinula species. Thirteen wild and 17 cultivated accessions of 3 Lentinula species were analysed with 64 EcoRI-MseI primer combinations and finally 32 reproducible and polymorphic primer combinations were considered for the analysis. A total of 816 informative AFLP markers were generated and scored as binary data. These data were analysed using various method packages for cluster analysis, genetic diversity and genetic differentiation. Percentage polymorphism was high (62.99%) among the species studied. Different clustering analysis segregated the wild and the cultivated species into two major branches, with the wild samples being further grouped according to their geographic location. Overall polymorphisms among cultivated strains in the USA were higher than that of the cultivated strains in Japan (58.9%).