Antibodies directed against designed apolipoprotein, were absorbed on microtiter plates, the other apolipoprotein present on the retained particles was evaluated by using corresponding peroxidase labeled antibodies. This differential antibody immunosorbent assay was applied to evaluate lipoprotein particles concentration in familial type IIa, IIb, III, IV, and in the type IV secondary to chronic renal failure. Type IIa and IIb, were characterized by the increasing plasma concentration of lipoprotein particles containing both apo B and apo E (LpE-B). Although type IIa have high level of apo CIII, the plasma concentration of lipoprotein containing both apo B and apo CIII was within the normal range. The high concentration of apo E in type III hyperlipoproteinemia, revealed the accumulation of LpB-CIII-E but mainly lipoproteins containing both apo B and apo E (LpE-B). The latter represents 0.94 +/- 0.51 g/l when compared to normolipidemic subjects: 0.29 +/- 0.06 g/l. The decrease concentration of apo AI affects essentially lipoprotein containing apo AI without apo AII (LpAI) in primary type IV hyperlipoproteinemic patients, while in chronic renal failure, both populations of apo AI (with and without apo AII) were affected. The differential antibody immunosorbent assay may be used in the future as a new approach to classify lipid transport disorders.