This year more than 3000 medical articles referenced in PubMed concerned dermatology. Our critical analysis covers different fields of dermatology: including epidemiology, clinical, diagnostic and prognostic factors. AIDS is 30 years old and the national HIV/AIDS plan for 2010-2014 recommends generalized screening facilitated by the introduction of rapid tests for diagnostic orientation. In infectious diseases, novelties concern polyomavirus, HTLV-1, leprosy, staphylococcus infections, resistance to antibiotics and scabies. Diseases of the scalp consecutive to practices of black women hairstyles were the subject of important articles. There were two important developments in acne: first, a simplified and more operational classification, secondly a suicidal risk associated with severe forms. Lymphocyte Th-17 immunity is involved in clinical phenomena either by excess (genetic or drug) or default (genetic causes). Allergology: in several studies, false negative patch tests have been published. The natural history of nevi is specified by three important articles. Serological tests to practice in cases of dermatomyositis and bullous pemphigoid are specified.
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