National surveillance systems of occupational diseases may contribute to evaluate the work-related component of diseases investigated in SENTIERI Project. For a description of SENTIERI, refer to the 2010 Supplement of Epidemiology & Prevention devoted to SENTIERI Project. The National Workers Compensation Authority (INAIL) archives all occupational diseases claims (more than 230 000 in the period 2000-2007) and is in charge of their compensation. The Italian National Mesothelioma Register (ReNaM) and the Sinonasal Cancer Register (ReNaTuNS) record high occupational etiological fraction neoplasms (i.e. mesothelioma and sinonasal cancers). The former has identified more than 10 000 mesothelioma cases until now, and covers almost the whole country; the latter is active only in three Italian regions, Piemonte, Lombardia and Toscana. The monitoring of cancer sites at lower occupational etiological fraction is based on a record-linkage procedure between population-based cancer registries and employment history data, available at the Italian National Institute for Social Security (INPS). Finally, the informative system Mal.Prof collects and classifies all the diseases possibly related to the work environment reported by the Prevention Services of the Local Health Units.