Let S denote the set of (possibly noncanonical) base pairs {i, j } of an RNA tertiary structure; i.e. {i, j} ∈ S if there is a hydrogen bond between the ith and jth nucleotide. The page number of S, denoted π(S), is the minimum number k such that Scan be decomposed into a disjoint union of k secondary structures. Here, we show that computing the page number is NP-complete; we describe an exact computation of page number, using constraint programming, and determine the page number of a collection of RNA tertiary structures, for which the topological genus is known. We describe an approximation algorithm from which it follows that ω(S) ≤ π(S) ≤ ω(S) ・log n,where the clique number of S, ω(S), denotes the maximum number of base pairs that pairwise cross each other.