Neural synchronization is a key mechanism to a wide variety of brain functions, such as cognition, perception, or memory. High temporal resolution achieved by EEG recordings allows the study of the dynamical properties of synchronous patterns of activity at a very fine temporal scale but with very low spatial resolution. Spatial resolution can be improved by retrieving the neural sources of EEG signal, thus solving the so-called inverse problem. Although many methods have been proposed to solve the inverse problem and localize brain activity, few of them target the synchronous brain regions. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm aimed at localizing specifically synchronous brain regions and reconstructing the time course of their activity. Using multivariate wavelet ridge analysis, we extract signals capturing the synchronous events buried in the EEG and then solve the inverse problem on these signals. Using simulated data, we compare results of source reconstruction accuracy achieved by our method to a standard source reconstruction approach. We show that the proposed method performs better across a wide range of noise levels and source configurations. In addition, we applied our method on real dataset and identified successfully cortical areas involved in the functional network underlying visual face perception. We conclude that the proposed approach allows an accurate localization of synchronous brain regions and a robust estimation of their activity.