Background: In response to high rates of teen motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) many states have enacted graduated driver licensing (GDL) systems. GDL delays full licensure and allows beginners to obtain experience under lower risk conditions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact over the past 10 years to determine its effect on teen MVCs.
Methods: Connecticut MVC data from 1999 to 2008 were analyzed. Percent change (1999 vs. 2008) in MVC rates per 10,000 registered drivers was calculated by age, gender, during the night restriction (11:00 pm and 5:00 am), and MVCs with passengers. Linear regression analysis estimated the decrease of MVC rates each year.
Results: The MVC rate decreased by 40% for 16-year-old and 30% for 17-year-old drivers. In comparison, rates among 18-year-old, 19-year-old, 25- to 29-year-old, and 30- to 59-year-old drivers were reduced by 16%, 7%, 8%, and 11%, respectively. The MVC rate for 20- to 24-year-old drivers increased by 1%. During nighttime restricted driving times, MVC rates decreased by 54% among 16-year-old and 49% among 17-year-old drivers. The MVC rate with passengers decreased by 65% for 16-year-old and 53% for 17-year-old drivers. In comparison, rates of nighttime and with passenger MVCs among older drivers were significantly less.
Conclusions: Implementation of Connecticut's GDL system has resulted in significant reductions in MVC rates among novice drivers. This analysis provides a method for other states to examine the impact of their GDL system.