Objective: The aim of this study was to identify and quantify nasal profile changes following maxillary advancement (MA) and maxillary advancement with impaction (MAI) with Le Fort I osteotomies.
Methods: The study consisted of preoperative and postoperative lateral cephalograms of 42 class III adult patients. The study sample was divided into 2 groups, with the first group composed of 22 patients who underwent MA surgery and the second group composed of 20 patients who underwent MAI surgery. In total, 7 skeletal parameters and 17 soft-tissue parameters related to nasal projection, hump, dorsal convexity, and the nasolabial region were evaluated on the cephalograms, and hard- and soft-tissue relationships were assessed.
Results: Nasal length, hump, nasal depths, distance from the most convex point of the Alar curvature to the most inferior point of the nostril, alar curvature-subnasale, and subnasale-pronasale measurements decreased postoperatively. In the MAI group, MA correlated with significant decreases in nasal length and hump. In the MA group, MA correlated with pronasale position (P < 0.05); significant decreases in nasal depth, columella convexity, and subnasale-pronasale length; and significant changes in subnasale position.
Conclusions: There is little difference in the effects of the 2 different maxillary surgeries on the postoperative nasal profile.