Using antibodies raised against human platelet phenol sulfotransferase (PST), immunohistochemical studies were performed to determine the cellular localization of PST in several areas of human brain. In the hippocampus PST immunoreactivity was localized in both the pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons and was in greatest abundance in the CA2 and CA3 areas. In the striatum the immunoreactivity was most predominant in the large neurons of the globus pallidus and in the medulla the staining was scattered throughout the neurons of the raphe nucleus and the reticular formation. The selective presence of PST in the neurons of the CNS raises the issue as to the role of this enzyme in sulfating neurotransmitters because PST has been shown to be capable of conjugating a variety of neurotransmitters including the catecholamines as well as the tyrosine moiety of a number of small peptides such as enkephalin and cholecystokinin.