This manuscript will review our current understanding of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocyte (neutrophil) interactions with the endothelium during immune and inflammatory responses, focusing on the molecular mechanisms regulating neutrophil adhesion to and migration through the endothelium in response to infection or tissue injury. This is a complex and dynamic area of research and one that has been the topic of several recent comprehensive reviews to which the interested reader is referred (64, 118, 131). By design, this review will begin with a brief review of some basic aspects of neutrophil biology and endothelial adhesion to provide a foundation. The remainder of the review will focus on selected areas of this complex field, specifically the role of the endothelial glycocalyx in regulating neutrophil adhesion and the mechanisms and consequences of migration of neutrophils between (paracellular) and through (transcellular) endothelial cells during egress from the vasculature.