The crystal structure of an N(2)-encapusulated MOF, which is stable under open-air conditions at ambient temperature, was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 123 K. The crystal MOF of [HSm{V(IV)O(TPPS)}](n) designed to have 1-D channels periodically constricted by porphyrins planes adsorbed N(2) at 77 K. The adsorbed N(2) molecules remained in the 1-D channels even after warming to ambient temperature. The single-crystal structure of [HSm{V(IV)O(TPPS)}](n)⊃N(2) determined by X-ray diffraction indicated that N(2) molecules trapped in the constricted parts block other N(2) molecules in 1-D channels from escaping from the MOF. Such a unique encapsulation mode provides a promising approach toward designing novel MOFs with high gas storage capacity at ambient temperature.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011