Background: A nationwide survey of family members of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities ranging in age from birth through adulthood was conducted to replicate a similar effort by Wehmeyer and update the knowledge base concerning technology use by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Method: Survey responses provided information about use of technology for mobility, hearing and vision, communication, independent living, and in the area of computer use. In addition, survey items queried the use of electronic and information technology devices such as use of email, mobile telephones and digital cameras.
Results: Survey results showed that although the use of computers for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities is more prevalent, other technology use frequency is much the same as in the late 1990s. However, technology needs did vary among school-age individuals over time.
Conclusion: Implications of results for technology use of people with disabilities are discussed through the lens of frequency of use and needs for individuals with disabilities.
© 2011 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.