The patient was a 70-year-old man who had unresectable locally advanced large-cell lung cancer with aorta and mediastimun invasion(T4N2M0). He had left shoulder pain and obstructive pneumonitis caused by lung cancer.We performed 60 Gy/ 35 Fr radiotherapy with concurrent low-dose cyclophosphamide(5mg/body/day). After chemoradiotherapy, the main tumor has been decreasing gradually. Seven years and six months after chemoradiotherapy, we detected the soft tissue mass lesion on his chest CT, but could not find abnormal accumulation on his 18F-FDG-PET. The local control was improved gradually and he had no respiratory symptoms or pain for a long period. There has been no recurrence for 10 years now. We recommend radiation and/or low-dose chemotherapy as useful treatments for the advanced non-small lung cancer in elderly patients.