Four characteristics and five major superiorities of traditional Chinese acupuncture was expounded in this article. The four characteristics are (1) theoretical characteristic which focuses on meridians, acupoints, circulation of qi and blood; (2) effect mechanism of disease prevention and treatment based on external stimulation and internal regulation; (3) clinical diagnosis with the combination of differentiation of syndromes according to meridians and collaterals, zang-fu organs, eight principles and diagnosis based on acupoints; (4) technical characteristic of adoption of unique apparatus and special manipulations. The five superiorities are (1) diagnosis: simple, rapid and accurate; (2) technique: easy to study and manipulate; (3) therapeutic effect: quick and obvious effect, extensive indications; (4) safety: non-toxic and less side-effects; (5) cost: comparatively cheap. Thus, it is held that acupuncture should play a more important role in medical service system with unique Chinese characteristics.