Introduction: Mansonella ozzardi, a human filarial nematode transmitted by Diptera Simuliidae flies (black flies), is widely spread in the Amazon, while the occurrence of mansonelliasis in the State of Rondônia (Western Amazonia) has not been reported thus far. The existence of this parasitic disease in this state is investigated in this study.
Methods: A total of 4,452 people who lived alongside the Madeira, Mamore, Guapore, Machado and Preto Rivers, in the State of Rondônia, were examined using the thick blood smear method. Alongside the Machado and Guapore rivers, 2,112 adult simuliid specimens were captured.
Results: Infected people were not reported, although simuliids with vector potential such as Cerqueirellum pydanielli, C. argentiscutum and C. amazonicum were found.
Conclusions: This study registered no infected people. This finding may be explained by the individuals' low level of microfilaremia that is below the limit of detection of the diagnostic method used in the study or insufficient migration of people infected with M. ozzardi from endemic areas, making it impossible to introduce the disease into Rondônia. Further studies using more sensitive diagnostic techniques could shed light on this question.