An element-specific study of the Nd(3)Fe(27.5)Ti(1.5) compound using the hard x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) technique is presented. The Nd L(2) and L(3) edge XMCD, as well as the Fe K edge XMCD, were measured in a magnetically oriented sample, parallel and perpendicular to its alignment direction. The XMCD spectra were recorded at three different temperatures, above, below and in between the characteristic peaks that the specific compound presents in AC susceptibility measurements. By probing the Nd L edges and the Fe K edge XMCD, we found that the dipolar R(5d)-Fe(3d) exchange interaction behaves differently with temperature change than the Fe-Fe magnetic interaction. Those differences appear to be in the vicinity of the AC susceptibility characteristic peaks. An XMCD signal was recorded at the Ti K edge, revealing a small orbital polarization due to the hybridization with Fe atomic states. This demonstrates the existence of a small finite magnetic moment in Ti atoms.