Objective: To investigate the clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with various hematological malignancies harboring der(1;7)(q10;p10).
Methods: Bone marrow samples were collected and undergone short-time unstimulated culture and R-banding, and karyotyped by conventional cytogenetic assay (CCA). Megalokaryocytes were detected by streptavidin-AKP (SAP). Retrospective analyses including the clinical and laboratory data were performed.
Results: Nineteen of the 21 patients were male. Most of the patients are of older age. Thirteen cases (61.9%) were der(1;7)(q10;p10) without additional aberrations, 8(38.1%) patients had additional aberrations. Sixteen out of the 18 cases (88.9%) who underwent SAP analysis had diminutive megalokaryocyte, and lymphoid megalokaryocyte was found in 10 cases (55.6%). The der(1;7) patients manifested poor response to treatment.
Conclusion: The der(1;7) patients demonstrated distinct male predominance, older age at diagnosis, and some clinically distinctive features. These patients showed poor prognosis. The cytogenetic abnormality, i.e., der(1;7)(q10;p10), can be used as a prognostic indicator.